Limbo is considered the outskirts of Heaven and Hell, a place where souls, especially those unjudged by God, are neither condemned to hell nor granted entry into heaven. the punishment is a state of eternal longing and sadness, as the souls endure a perpetual separation from the divine presence they yearn for but can never attain. We use it as a metaphor for a state of waiting or uncertainty between decisions. In relation, Prudence: the first cardinal virtue, Prudence helps navigate through limbo by promoting caution and wisdom amid uncertainty.


Lust refers to intense desire or craving, often associated with selfish or excessive indulgence in physical or material pleasures. It can lead to actions that prioritize immediate gratification over long-term consequences or ethical considerations. the punishment is being endlessly swept and battered by fierce, stormy winds, symbolizing the turbulence and lack of control experienced by those who succumbed to lustful passions. In relation to Chasity: the second cardinal virtue, Chastity means refraining from excessive or inappropriate indulgence in physical desires, especially of a sexual nature. It involves moderation, restraint, and respect for oneself and others, promoting purity and balanced behavior.


Gluttony represents a lack of self-control and moderation, where individuals prioritize satisfying their appetites beyond what is necessary or healthy. Typically associated with excessive food. The punishment is being eternally pelted by icy, vile rain and trapped in a filthy slush, reflecting the cold, gluttonous excesses and indulgences of the damned. On the other hand Temperance: the third cardinal virtue, is the virtue of moderation, self-restraint, and balance in one's actions, desires, and habits. It involves exercising control over impulses and avoiding extremes, fostering stability, discipline, and inner peace.


Greed involves an insatiable craving for more an intense and selfish desire for material wealth, possessions, or power beyond what is needed for survival or comfort. The punishment involves endlessly rolling heavy weights in a futile struggle, symbolizing the burdensome greed and prodigality of the damned who were obsessed with material wealth. It can lead to exploitation, dishonesty often at the expense of others. Its destructive potential is why we must practice Generosity: the 4th cardinal virtue, is characterized by a selfless and compassionate attitude towards others, promoting fairness, empathy, and willingness to give freely without expecting something in return.


Wrath often viewed as: a destructive emotion can drive individuals to harm others verbally, emotionally, or even physically, violating principles of compassion, respect, and justice. The punishment consists of being submerged in the foul, murky waters of the Styx and fighting with each other in a constant state of rage and bitterness, reflecting the wrathful and sullen natures of the damned. in its reflection Patience: the ability to remain calm and composed in the face of provocation, adversity, or delay. encourages understanding, tolerance, and empathy towards others, even in challenging situations.


Heresy refers to beliefs or practices that deviate from the accepted doctrines of a religion or ideology. It represents a departure from Orthodox: which is the  6th cardinal virtue  to  accept traditional beliefs and practices. Heresy is seen as a threat to the unity and integrity of the faith, while orthodoxy maintains the stability and continuity of religious or ideological systems. The punishment involves being trapped in flaming tombs, symbolizing the eternal suffering and isolation faced by those who denied the immortality of the soul and the divine truths.


Violence is a destructive force that inflicts harm, suffering, and chaos upon others, driven by aggression, anger, or cruelty. It disrupts peace and causes deep wounds, both physical and emotional. In contrast, Forgiveness: the 7th cardinal virtue counteracts violence by fostering reconciliation and understanding, promoting healing and peace in place of conflict and retribution. The punishment is divided into three rings: the first ring contains those who are violent against others, who are submerged in a river of boiling blood; the second ring punishes those violent against themselves, who are turned into gnarled trees and tormented by harpies; and the third ring punishes those violent against God, nature, and art, who suffer in a desert of flaming sand with fiery rain falling upon them.


Fraud involves deceit and trickery, where individuals intentionally mislead others for personal gain, betraying trust and causing harm through falsehoods and manipulation. In opposition, Honesty 8th Cardinal virtue counteracts fraud by upholding truthfulness and transparency, ensuring trustworthiness and ethical behavior in interactions and relationships. The punishment is divided into ten distinct bolgias or ditches, each one punishing different types of fraud, such as deceit, hypocrisy, and treachery, with specific torments tailored to each sin, including being whipped by demons, immersed in excrement, and encased in flames.


Treachery is the act of betraying a trusted relationship or alliance, often through deceit or disloyalty, resulting in a profound breach of trust and causing deep, lasting harm. In contrast, Loyalty the 9th Cardinal Virtue opposes treachery by fostering steadfastness and reliable support, ensuring unwavering commitment and trust in relationships and alliances. The punishment involves being trapped in a frozen lake called Cocytus, where traitors are encased in ice up to their necks or heads, depending on the severity of their betrayal, reflecting the cold, treacherous nature of their sins.